How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Co-Worker?

It is the nasty note about the shared refrigerator that is dirty… Or that one report your colleague keeps “forgetting” to finish for you or the “yes” or “no” answers to an open-ended question. The behaviors of a passive...

Difficult People Don’t Exist!

The cranky lady at the cash register, the difficult and critical colleague, the controlling boss…they all have something in common and it’s not what you think. I have worked with some, what I thought of as real difficult people, in my years in Human...

How Not Knowing Your Social Style Causes Conflict

Do you remember the first few weeks in your new job? Were you the one asking all the questions? Or did you dive in and give your opinion of how the job supposed to be done? Either way points out our individual strengths and the way we cope and manage tension in a...

The Key to a Conflict Free Life

Have you ever started a campfire that ended up being this annoying smoking pile of wood? It was a struggle to keep it going, because you’ve used wet fire starters or choked it with big blocks of wood? Well, I have. In all the years of camping, I’ve learned that it...